Frans van Bragt
Size matters
You want your images to be viewed at its best. Therefore you add them to your website at 100% jpeg quality, and in high resolution. All for the best result, so everybody with a high-resolution screen can view hem at its best.
For those with a smaller device the browser handles scaling. Seems like the right approach.
A cold image
In the blog item 'September on Sicily' 'the question was 'How to show the heat in an image? '.
For this item the question might be 'How to show the cold in an image?'.
The image was taken on the Hadangervida plateau in Middle Noway. Hardangervida is the largest plateau in Europe and is almost completely above the tree-line. Because of that the wind, blows unrestricted from the North pole. It scrapes the icy top-layer from the snow and blows a storm of icy needles onto travelers who dare to go outside. At the same time the sun gives some -fake- friendliness to the image emphasizing the contours of the landscape.
The composition of the image is along classical division in thirds: the horizon is on 2/3 of the height and the road away from us is on 1/3 of the width.
The Cathedral
Industrial history
The 'Werkspoor Cathedral'. Very rightly the winner of the Rietveld Architectural prices 2017. A former NS railroad workshop in an industrial corner in Utrecht (the Netherlands). In 2014 real estate owner Bob Scherrenberg acquired the building and after extensive renovations it now started its second life.
No Photoshop
Fake image?
First impression is that some clever Photoshopping was applied to this image. Surely the left facade was replaced by a sunny sky?
September on Sicily
Visualizing the heat
As the summer draws to an end, an image that oozes heat and drought. Sicily in September: 14 Days of 35C degrees and only rain on the last day.
Noordereiland - War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
The series 'Noordereiland' aims to show the contrast between the classic architecture of the island and the modern architecture around it. The modern architecture, rising high above the island architecture, seems to overwhelm the island which resists like a small Gallic village...
The postoffice
The post office
The post office, in the style of the 'Amsterdamse school', is part of the museum 'Het Schip' in Amsterdam.
Cupboard bed
The cupboard bed
This image is from a farmhouse build approximately in 1850. At the time of the image it was still as if in the early 20th century. Local council wanted it to be documented before modernization started.
Indian summer in France
The weather cooperated very well for this image: a great Indian Summer in the Arsace region with 20-24 C en the typical soft light of late Autumn. The grape harvest was nearly done and in the small villages cart with remains of first pressing started softly fermenting. Finding a cappuccino at 11:00 was a problem, finding a wine tasting not at all.